
Eye exams are a critical part of keeping your vision healthy and protecting your eyes from damage. Whether you have to get regular eye exams, or just want to know what the latest technologies are for your eyes, we’ve got you covered. Here are the top five things to know about eye exams:

What are Eye exams?

Eye exams are a way to ensure that your eyesight is healthy and accurate. By having a comprehensive eye exam, you can be sure that your eyes are functioning properly and that your vision is unimpaired. Eye exams are tests that determine if your eyes are healthy.

There are three types of eye tests:

  • Vision tests – These tests measure how well you see. They are used to diagnose any problems you may have with your eyesight. Vision tests include reading letters on a chart called the Snellen eye chart; identifying letters or symbols without color; or revealing optical illusions in the distance.
  • Visual Fields – Visual fields test for lost peripheral vision. Your doctor covers one eye at a time and asks you to identify letters on an eye chart. If you can read letters on the eye chart but have trouble identifying letters when your doctor covers your eye, you could have lost peripheral vision in your eye. The loss of your peripheral vision could be caused by glaucoma.
  • Ocular Pressures – Ocular pressure is measured with an instrument called a tonometer. This instrument measures the pressure inside your eye. High pressure in your eyes can indicate that you have glaucoma, an eye disease that damages your vision.

What are the different types of eye exams?

There are numerous types of eye exams that you can get, depending on what needs to be checked for you to have good vision. These include:

  • A Cataract Exam: This exam checks for a decrease in the number of blood vessels in your back office, which can lead to a decrease in vision.
  • A Glaucoma Exam: This exam checks for damage to the eyeball, which can lead to blindness.
  • An Eye Movement Study: This exam measures how well you move your eyes around and compares it to norms.
  • An Ocular Examination: This examination looks at things like brightness, color, light scatter, and symmetry inside and outside of your eyes.

What to Expect During an Eye Exam?

The exam generally takes about 20 minutes. Your eyes will adjust to the light and exam results should be available in about an hour.

What will be checked during an eye exam?

Your eyes will be examined for any signs of fatigue, redness, or swelling, as well as for any abnormalities that may have been discovered during a previous eye examination. You may also experience a sudden headache or discharge while under anesthesia.

What are the risks of getting an eye exam?

There are some potential risks associated with getting an eye exam, but they’re relatively low-risk compared to other medical procedures you may undergo on vacation. If you have any concerns about your health before your appointment, discuss them with your doctor or travel nurse ahead of time. Additionally, always consult with your insurance company to ensure you’re covered for an eye exam.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Eye Exam?

When getting an eye exam, it’s important to bring a picture of your eye. This will help the doctor to determine if you have any eye problems that need attention. You can also bring a list of your medical records to the exam room so the doctor can look at them and see if there is anything that needs attention.

Bring a List of Your Medical Records.

If you have any medical conditions that need to be kept confidential, you should also bring a copy of your medical records with you to the Exam Room. The doctor may want to examine these records in order to diagnose any Eye problems or recommend treatment for them.

Bring a List of Your Friends and Family.

If you have friends or family who is also going to be undergoing an Eye Exam, it’s important that they know about it ahead of time so they can come over and support you during the exam process! You can also post up a sign outside your home indicating that you are bringing along potential surgery pictures should things go bad during the examination!


Eye exams are important for protecting your eyes and providing you with the best possible vision. Different types of eye exams can be found, and you should expect to have a few tests during your exam. It’s important to bring along a picture of your eye and medical records to help support your examination. You should also be prepared to bring a list of your friends and family in case you need them to help support you during the exam. Finally, it’s important to bring a picture of the eye when you get the exam so that everyone knows what they’re looking at.